I love my kinky curly hair but every now and then I like to switch things up and this crazy looking device is a game changer!
The RevAir Reverse-Air Dryer is revolutionary and that means how you do your hair will be different too.
It dries, straightens, and stretches your hair 3 times faster than regular blow dryers. It leaves your hair healthy without heat damage or chemicals.
How is that possible?
The RevAir uses “reverse air” (vacuum suctioning) to dry, stretch, and smooth hair.
One feature that RevAir boasts about is that it is effective on Type 4 hair which you witness in my video. My hair type is 4a and I was impressed with my results. Could you tell by my facial expression at the end?!
It is important to note that the RevAir Air dryer is not meant to be used on soaking wet hair. Use a microfiber towel to dry hair then section.
Table of Contents
Here are some tips and tricks when using:
Hair Products
- Go naked! RevAir loves being used on clean product-free strands.
- Product junkie? Try the RevAir Tribology Haircare products. I used their hair primer for types 3 and 4 hair in the video.
- No-go! DO NOT USE 100% pure/undiluted oils, as it will damage your device and void the warranty.
- You can lather your hair with oils afterward : )
Tension Settings
- Dial it in! The dial on the Base Unit. Tension replaces the need for a brush or hot plates. START AT SETTING 2-3.
- Crave less wave? If no tangles are present, GO UP ONE LEVEL AT A TIME. IF YOU HAVE ANY TANGLES, GO DOWN A LEVEL.
- Seven heaven? NO! DO NOT TURN IMMEDIATELY TO LEVEL 7, as it may not give you the best result – in fact, it can be the opposite.
- Can’t wait to start? Ok, ok, Type 4 hair usually works best around Level 5-7.
Heat Settings
- Heat things up! This is located on the Wand.
- Heatwave. There are 3 Temperature Settings: No heat ( O ), Low heat ( I ), and High heat ( II ).
- Beat the heat. The hottest heat of the Wand is LESS than the lowest heat on most Flat Irons. Can you believe that?
Technique Tips
- Go steady. When you bounce the Wand, you are not allowing the roots to get dry. Keep the Wand at/near the scalp and allow the reverse-air to move constantly and consistently down the entire length of your hair, drying from root to end at once.
Drying Time
- Tick tock! Each section will dry in 30-90 SECONDS, so long as Wand is kept to the scalp.
- Remember – thickness, texture, and section size mean your time may vary. Experiment to find your ideal time. Test by pulling Wand a few inches away from scalp and touch roots with fingertips. If they are dry, your hair is likely done.
On my 4a hair, each section took about 60 to 80 seconds to dry.
Want it Straighter?
- If you have Type 4 hair, you may find you want to finish your look with flat ironing.
- The RevAir did a great job straightening my hair but I used a flat iron to give my hair some curls.
- Remember, the RevAir is taking the place of a blow dryer, It is not a curling iron.
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This is definitely Yes, It’s a go! I absolutely loved using the RevAir Air dryer. It dried my hair quickly without heat damage and exceeded my expectations. What more can a curly girly ask for?
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